Jessica Loveless, DC, MS
Profession: Functional Medicine Chiropractor
Business: Immunity, LLC aka ImmunityKC
Co-Founder of The WellWomen Initiative
Focus: We provide holistic and alternative healthcare to promote optimal physiological processes and disease prevention. We focus on changing the root cause of dysfunction through improving nutrition intake, lifestyle changes, nutraceutical support, acupuncture, and/or chiropractic to achieve our goals.
Femimmunity is our flagship program focused on women’s mind, body, and spiritual health throughout the different stages of life. Modifications in female hormones may require additional support throughout life, including changes associated with menarche (first period), preconception planning, subfertility, prenatal support, postpartum support, perimenopause, menopause, and post-menopausal changes.
We take a whole-body, individualized approach with each of our clients. We start with a thorough discussion of your lifestyle and health history, then consider specific laboratory analysis for biochemical evaluation. We have a wide variety of lab options, including GI-Mapping, organic acid testing, serum testing, DUTCH tests, food sensitivities or allergies, mycotoxin testing, heavy metal testing, epigenetic evaluation, and more!